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Diploma ceremony concludes the Balthazar and RED Digital Natives workshops

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At 11 a.m. on Saturday, 22 July 2017, at the Istrian National Theatre, the diploma ceremony was held, along with the screening of premieres of films created at workshops for children and youth - Professor Balthazar’s Adventure Laboratory and the international RED Workshop for Digital Natives.

At 11 a.m. on Saturday, 22 July 2017, at the Istrian National Theatre, the diploma ceremony was held, along with the screening of premieres of films created at workshops for children and youth - Professor Balthazar’s Adventure Laboratory and the international RED Workshop for Digital Natives.

In a week.long programme, the participants have learnt about the techniques of creating and producing animated film, and the Festival has once again show great friendship and fondness towards the youngest ones. During the workshop, thirty-one children have intensively worked and actively learnt through explanations and comparisons of the most high-quality, professional and amateur animated films. The participants applied the knowledge and techniques through their work and ideas to create their final composition, production, and post-production - creating their own animated film. The week-long workshop was led by facilitators and illustrators Manuel Šumberac and Vibor Juhas.

This year’s RED Workshop for Digital Natives, led by Judita Gamulin, offered all participants a unique opportunity to use state of the art cameras, as well as a chance to learn, step by step, everything relating to production and post-production processes. The young participants have been introduced to the secrets of the film industry and digital technology, and together they presented their accomplishments on the big screen.

Other than great leaders and a lot of creative energy, Pula Film Festival, which celebrates film precisely through film workshops for children and youth, has offered to the talented and motivated participants the chance to enjoy film, but has also used playing and working to raise a new generation of future filmmakers and cinephiles.

In a week.long programme, the participants have learnt about the techniques of creating and producing animated film, and the Festival has once again show great friendship and fondness towards the youngest ones. During the workshop, thirty-one children have intensively worked and actively learnt through explanations and comparisons of the most high-quality, professional and amateur animated films. The participants applied the knowledge and techniques through their work and ideas to create their final composition, production, and post-production - creating their own animated film. The week-long workshop was led by facilitators and illustrators Manuel Šumberac and Vibor Juhas.
This year’s RED Workshop for Digital Natives, led by Judita Gamulin, offered all participants a unique opportunity to use state of the art cameras, as well as a chance to learn, step by step, everything relating to production and post-production processes. The young participants have been introduced to the secrets of the film industry and digital technology, and together they presented their accomplishments on the big screen.
Other than great leaders and a lot of creative energy, Pula Film Festival, which celebrates film precisely through film workshops for children and youth, has offered to the talented and motivated participants the chance to enjoy film, but has also used playing and working to raise a new generation of future filmmakers and cinephiles.

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