Selected films:
The Boss (Gazda), Dario Juričan
It was all just a good dream (Sve je bio dobar san), Branko Ištvančić
A Million Dollar Life (Život od milijun dolara), Robert Zuber
• Co-Production
Funne: Sea Dreaming Girls (Fuune: ragazze che sognavano il mare), Katia Bernardi
THE BOSS (Gazda)
DIRECTOR: Dario Juričan
SCREENPLAY, DOP: Zvonimir Tivon
EDITOR: Sandra Mitić
SOUND: Tihomir Vrabec
PRODUCER: Dario Juričan
PRODUCTION, WORLD SALES: Hrcin (Hrvatski centar za istraživačko novinarstvo)
CO-PRODUCTION: Blank filmski inkubator
The Boss is an educational film on how to become a boss in Croatia. It is a story of success and how to come achieve it. It is also a story of failure and how to live in it.
Dario Juričan (1976) graduated in directing from the London Film Academy, and in comparative literature and German language and literature from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb.
2016 Ι 80’ Ι Croatia
IT WAS ALL JUST A GOOD DREAM (Sve je bio dobar san)
DIRECTOR: Branko Ištvančić
SCREENPLAY: Branko Ištvančić, Silvio Mirošničenko
DOP: Robert Krivec, Darko Krakar, Tomo Sabljić, Joakim Erdelji, Tomislav Kučić
EDITORS: Silvije Magdić, Branko Ištvančić
MUSIC: Dalibor Grubačević
PRODUCER: Irena Škorić, Antun Ivanković, Zvonko Milas
CO-PRODUCTION: UHBDDR, Udruga dr.Ante Starčević Tovarnik, Hrvatska radiotelevizija
The movie tells the story of Frenchman Jean-Michel Nicolier, a volunteer in the defence of Croatia executed by Serbian troops in Vukovar in 1991.
Branko Ištvančić (1967) graduated in directing from the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb. Documentaries: The Kormorant Scarecrow (1988), Wellman(2003); features The Ghost in the Swamp (2006), The Bridge at the End of the World (2014).
Trsat Religious Film Festival 2016 (Best Film, Best Director, Best Music), Beyond the Borders International Documentary Festival 2016 (Best Documentary), International Festival of Mediterranean Film in Tetouan 2017, Worldfest Houston 2017 (Bronze Remi)
2016 Ι 84’
A MILLION DOLLAR LIFE (Život od milijun dolara)
DIRECTOR: Robert Tomić Zuber
SCREENPLAY: Robert Tomić Zuber, Marjan Alčevski, Petar Oreš ković
DOP: Mario Marko Krce
EDITOR: Sandra Mitić
MUSIC: Sergey Cheremisinov
PRODUCER: Siniša Juričić
Parents of a 5-year-old girl, Nora Šitum, are told by doctors that Croatian medicine cannot help terminal leukaemia. The desperate parents immediately decide to start the last round of their fight to save their daughter.
Robert Tomić Zuber (1976) graduated in sociology and Croatian language and literature. He has been working as a journalist and editor in print, radio, TV. Documentaries: The Accidental Son, Every Child Needs a Family, Mila Seeking Senida.
2017 Ι 78’42’’ Ι premiere
• Co-ProductionFUNNE: SEA DREAMING GIRLS (Funne – Le ragazze che sognavano il mare)
DIRECTOR: Katia Bernardi
SCREENPLAY: Katia Bernardi
DOP: Nicola Cattani, Simone Cargnoni, Sebastiano Luca Insinga
EDITOR: Diego Volpi
MUSIC: Matej Meštrović, Andrea Gattico, Vincenzo Marando
PRODUCERS: Alessandro Carroli, Luigi Pepe, Vanja Jambrović, Tibor Keser
CO-PRODUCTION: EiE Film, Jump Cut, Chocolat, Restart, Hrvatska radiotelevizija
Twelve eighty-year-old girls from a remote Italian village decide to brave their fears, rheumatism, and the economic crisis in order to get to the Croatian seaside for the very first time.
Katia Bernardi graduated in film history. She has directed short documentary films Arte Sella (2015), Auschwitz Is My Teacher (2011), The Man of the Light (2011), etc.
2016 Ι 78’ Ι Italy, Croatia